Reset your password

We can help you reset your password. First, please enter your Lenovo ID and then follow the instructions below.

Phone number/email address is required

Account does not exist

Incorrect format of email or mobile phone number

Account is frozen

We need to verify your identity

We just sent a code to .

Please enter the verification code you received

Please click on "Get Code" below.

We will send the SMS verification code to your email

We will send the SMS verification code to your phone

Verification code is required

You have received too many verification codes today, try another method

That code didn't work. Check the code and try again.

Too many attempts. Try again later

Reset your password

New password required

New password format is incorrect

Password cannot be more than two consecutive identical characters.

The password contains characters that aren't allowed.

Please don't begin or end your password with blank space

Passwords must have 8-20 characters and contain at least three of the following: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols

Confirm password required

Incorrect password format

Passwords do not match

Please don't begin or end your password with blank space

Reset your password

All Done
Click the button continue with your Lenovo ID sign in

Safety tips

Request blocked

  • We have detected that your current actions may be unsafe.
  • In order to protect the security of your account,
  • Please try again in a different network environment or at a different time.

We can't sign you in

  • Your browser is currently set to block cookies.
  • You need to allow cookies to use this service.Please check your browser settings and enable.
The verification code will be notified by voice call,please pay attention to your mobile phone

Please complete security verification